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In 2000, a hot new men's fragrance hit the scene: Boss #6 by Hugo Boss. This casual cologne smells clean and fresh and features woodsy low notes that work with your body's natural chemistry to produce a scent that pleases any crowd. Dab on a generous amount of this sensual cologne for work or a casual date with your special lady, or use it any other time you want to enjoy a warm scent that lingers lightly throughout the day.

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Customer Reviews

simply the best. Best perfume in Hugo boos line up.

Written by Aman on July 20, 2014

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Great fragrance... The apple note is great. Smells good. Very safe scent

Written by Heat313 on March 11, 2014

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Great fragance !!!!

Written by MAVERIC1969 on February 20, 2013

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Hugo Boss #6 is a great fregrance! Loved it when it first came out and I'm glad to find it here since this cologne is now hard to find in stores. If you want a scent that is sure to please everyone then #6 is it!

Written by BD on September 13, 2012

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this cologne is so damn awesome, great high school, college fragrance! apple, vanilla, just bought the 6oz

Written by Anonymous on August 10, 2012

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