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Made for the modern woman, Head Over Heels by Ultima II is the perfect fragrance for your daily activities. Made with a mix of melon, plum and peach scents along with other fruit and floral tones, Head Over Heels is great perfume for a casual lunch with friends and subtle enough to wear at the workplace. Since its introduction in 1994, this fragrance has been the choice of the woman who looks at her day as the time to shine.

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Customer Reviews

has a sweet scent that smells really fresh and inviting

Written by Mesia on January 08, 2014

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My co-worker wear this all the time and it smell ery nice on her. She gave me a bottle to try and I have to say I had a hard time osmell it on me. Not the scent for me....but I still think it smells really nice.

Written by Parfume ocean on July 02, 2013

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I have worn this fragrance (Head over Heels) for years and I always get compliments. People always say they can tell when I enter a room or when I leave because the scent still lingers (that's a good thing, because I'm always remembered). My fiancee has allergies but he loves this fragrance and it does not bother him (the fragrance makes him MORE!!! romantic than he already is):-). I always order before I run out (always keep a extra bottle). Just fabulous!!!!

Written by Simplydbest!! on March 27, 2013

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I have always been in love with head over heels. It is a lovely perfume.

Written by PR on March 20, 2013

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Head Over Heels first purchase here because of rave reviews. Scent is wonderful from bottle but does not smell the same on me. It does not smell bad,I guess it will have to grow on me. I know one thing spray a little goes a long way.

Written by Valzee on March 14, 2013

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