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A casual but distinctive daytime scent from La Perla, La Perla Touch cologne for men is a spicy, moderate fragrance that balances its citrus notes with musk and vanilla undertones. First introduced by La Perla in 2000, La Perla Touch for men has a spicy, mature construction that combines dominant notes of wood and citrus with low notes of musk and vanilla. This attractive, magnetic fragrance will complement you perfectly at a broad variety of daytime events.

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Customer Reviews

I have never used a mens fragrance that has prompted so many positive comments from other people - particularly ladies!

Written by Mike the Drummer on August 01, 2012

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I dont want you to know how great this fragrance is because it will become like Kouros in the 1980's! It is great anytime of the day and draws the women like flies - so my husband says!

Written by SERENA on November 20, 2007

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great cologne all year round, goes good with all types of clothing....makes the females go nuts

Written by Anonymous on May 23, 2007

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I am female and I LOVE to wear this fragrance. If you like Lacosta you will love this.

Written by Anonymous on November 29, 2006

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