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Tea Tree Hair & Body Moisturizer 33.8 oz

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Customer Reviews


Paul Mitchell Green Tea Shampoo is one of the best shampoos that I have ever purchased! The fresh and cool clean feeling it leaves you with is absolutly amazing.

Written by Ben W on December 05, 2016

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Paul Mitchell hair gel has a nice fragrence plus it is not heavy feeling on my hair and keeps my hair in place for hours

Written by stevek7 on August 21, 2016

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I love this product. I've been using Paul Mitchell Sculpting Foam for years and I have no intention of using anything else. It makes my hair full without stiffness.

Written by Ellen on June 24, 2014

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I ordered the Platinum shampoo, the purple one!! hehe It is awesome! It helps my blond hair not to get orange... it's super affordable and really works. The delivery was on time and it arrived perfectly.

Written by Fabiola Conti on April 08, 2014

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Ordered the Fast Drying Sculpting Spray - a product that works great on my fine hair to help set soft curls without weighing down my hair. Had a hard time locating the product for a reasonable price in the larger size. FragranceNet not only carries the product, but also sells it for a very competitive price!

Written by neor on January 23, 2014

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