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An attention-getting scent for women that radiates an easygoing style for any time of day, CK IN2U perfume by iconic designer Calvin Klein is an evocative choice that will turn heads at any casual event. Introduced in 2007, CK IN2U presents a perfect balance of red cedar, vanilla, white cactus, grapefruit, orchid sugar and bergamot, along with additional notes. Its fruity, moderate fragrance works well for a relaxed evening party with friends or a lunch date.

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Customer Reviews

Ck in 2 u is very good smelling, I got it this last father's day, as a gift from my wife and daughter, I love it just for that. I like the design and it last long.

Written by allan on June 18, 2013

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Smells like powder and flowers,not for me.(GROWN MAN)

Written by GROWN MAN on August 17, 2012

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Smells like Polo Explorer.

Written by Cute Bert on July 22, 2011

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Smells so nice. And lasts forever. I highly recommend.

Written by Susie on January 11, 2010

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I love the female version of CK in2U. Its one of absolute favorites. I spray in the mornings and get whiffs of it throught out the day and it just makes me really. Terrific scent. I definitly reccomend this fragrance!

Written by Anonymous on August 27, 2009

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