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Blow Dry Glossing Leave-In 4 oz

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Customer Reviews

I love this product....it makes my hair silky smooth, and protects it.

Written by Sueruh on November 17, 2014

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I've been hearing great things about the It's a 10 leave-in conditioner, and have not been disappointed. I have very curly frizzy hair - which I constantly straighten - and I put this in when my hair is damp. I can actually feel the texture change instantly and my hair becomes silky soft. The only way it could be better is if it smelled good. It's not unbearable, just chemical-ish at first. I don't notice the smell at all when my hair is dry.

Written by Maria on June 05, 2014

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Its A 10 leave-in with keratin is the best of them. it does not weigh the hair down or leave an unpleasant residue. the best instant detangler i have ever used.

Written by janmarieblue on May 15, 2014

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This It's A 10 is the best product for my granddaughter's very curly hair. It allows us to brush it out much easier avoiding the crying that use to happen. It smells so good that she gets compliments all day long. It you have curly hair that is hard to comb out, manage and just keep healthy this is your product!

Written by Candy P on March 19, 2014

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Great product... Recommended by my hairdresser and I love it! I have fine, curly hair so it moisturizes lightly without weighing it down.

Written by Claudine on January 26, 2014

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2 of 2 people found this review helpful.