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Make an entrance and then leave a lingering impression when you wear Sergio Tacchini Donna perfume by Sergio Tacchini. Launched in 1998, this scent is reminiscent of fresh-cut flowers, backed by base notes of sandalwood, amber, musk, and vanilla, all of which create a complex aroma that is suitable for any time of the day.

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Customer Reviews

The smell is amazing!

Written by Anonymous on March 03, 2022

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I am very happy with Sergio Tacchini Donna. I suffer from headaches from many perfumes and began using O Oui by Lancome many years ago because I found it did not give me headaches. It is no longer available and I was looking for something similar (floral with a musk note) and have found it in Sergio Tacchini Donna. A small amount goes a long way. I have had many people ask me what I am wearing, as they like it as well. I only hope they continue to make it!

Written by Anonymous on October 21, 2021

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Sergio Tacchini Donna to me smells like a crisp floral scent- I like it because of its versatility (good for summer and winter and fall and spring, office or just a day out). Also, it smells good but not overpowering, unless you spray a lot. It is hard to buy sometimes but this site makes it much easier. Reminds me of Oui by Lancome.

Written by asimsac on January 04, 2016

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