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deadsea water mineral foot cream
Ahava Dunaliella Algae Peel-Off Mask--4.2oz

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Customer Reviews

For Ahava

by Ahava

BEST cream foot ever! And I had tried a lot, trust me this is the very best. Love the brand

Written by Christina S on February 09, 2023

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Ahava foot cream is the absolute best foot cream out there. And I have used everything. I was astonished how it made my feet so soft and I don't do pedicures. I really don't pay much attention to my feet and I'm pretty hard on them and this was just absolute Bliss. The only problem is I want to use it every single day. I also include using the hand lotion as well. I received it in a Christmas goodie bag and was astonished at the results. I never would have bought this for myself. But I'm definitely hooked now.

Written by Pamela on May 24, 2020

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Ahava deadsea water mineral foot cream 100ml/3.4oz by Ahava I love this foot cream! My feet really look forward to a moisturizing massage with it after my shower. I've been using this foot cream for years and it's the best. I'm a diabetic and I have to take especially good care of my feet.

Written by K.E.L. on March 04, 2015

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