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4.6 Estrellas 20 reseñas
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Kouroshombres Eau De Toilette
Precio con cupón
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eau de toilette spray 8 ml travel spray8 ml travel spray eau de toilette spray 8 ml travel sprayeau de toilette spray 8 ml travel spray
eau de toilette spray 50 ml50 ml eau de toilette spray 50 mleau de toilette spray 50 ml
eau de toilette spray 100 ml100 ml eau de toilette spray 100 mleau de toilette spray 100 ml
$ Mejor precio
- Estudio de diseño: Yves Saint Laurent
- Notas de fragancia: Pachulí, canela, jazmín, musgo de roble, haba tonka
- Año introducido: 1981
- Uso recomendado: romántico
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I endorsed every word above. I have been using Kouros since 1982. Best cologne ever. I was at a party in England and a conversation started about cologne. Devon, whose party it was, brings out his collection of cologne and all the girls and guys samples. Kouros came out on top. My journey started then. I even gave a sample to a friend; few months later, I want to introduce him to another, just for having an option and he refuses anything different. So much good experience with Kouros.. An Arabic military friend, at school Fort Belvoir, said his sister's friend came to his house often to help wash his clothing due to residual fragrance of kouros.
5 EstrellasEscrito por Gillyposh en July 13, 2024