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5.0 Estrellas 6 reseñas
Envío gratis (Pedidos de más de USD$99.00)

Precio con cupón
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eau de parfum spray 8 ml travel spray8 ml travel spray eau de parfum spray 8 ml travel sprayeau de parfum spray 8 ml travel spray
eau de parfum spray 30 ml30 ml eau de parfum spray 30 mleau de parfum spray 30 ml
eau de parfum spray 50 ml50 ml eau de parfum spray 50 mleau de parfum spray 50 ml
eau de parfum spray 100 ml100 ml eau de parfum spray 100 mleau de parfum spray 100 ml
$ Mejor precio
- Estudio de diseño: Gucci
- Notas de fragancia: jazmín sambac, ylang-ylang, almizcle, sándalo, enredadera de Rangún
- Año introducido: 2020
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I am very pleased with the perfumes I ordered, namely, Gucci Profumo di Fiori and Gucci Ambrosia di Fiori. Both fragrances smell wonderful and I get lots of compliments from people in the streets. It's like a conversation piece! Some do not know about this fragrance and so I was able to broaden their horizons in the field of perfumes and mentioned to them where to buy them since they liked it. Thanks FragranceNet . Georgia from Richmond, VA.
5 EstrellasEscrito por Georgia en December 06, 2021