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Mr Burberry
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Burberry (Diseñador) -
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Mr Burberry (Marca)
Boost your confidence when adding a splash of this men's Burberry fragrance to your daily hygiene routine. This fragrance offers a refreshing citrus scent with grapefruit and cardamom notes while balancing the aroma with notes of mint and birch leaf. Created in 2016, Mr. Burberry for men is the ideal choice for the business man entering a board room or the active man celebrating a night out on the town showing off his designer tastes in fragrances.
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Mr Burberry
Mr Burberry
eau de parfum
hombres6 tamaños disponibles
Hasta 35% APAGADO Venta al por menor
4.2 Estrellas (20 Reviews)
Mr Burberry
Mr Burberry
eau de toilette
hombres3 tamaños disponibles
Hasta 31% APAGADO Venta al por menor
4.5 Estrellas (16 Reviews)
Reseñas (2)
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