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Yatagan Cologne
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Yatagan (Marca)

eau de toilette
hombres ¡Ahorre hoy!Reseñas (20)
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As the man said, this stuff is hardcore. I bought it for my dad (cologne being my trad b-d gift to him) and he loves it. Fresh, sage-clean, most masculine of his collection (though dad tried to run off with my Chopard Casmir for himself once). With the exception of Kouros/Body Kouros, prev. B-d gifts, the absolute best mens cologne I ever smelled.
5 EstrellasEscrito por Anónimo en May 11, 2014
As many of the people stated this is a mans cologne from a renound perfume house. It kicks your butt at first but slowly grows on you as the musk and spice settles your left with a nice sweet scent thats lasts all day one squirt lasted me all day. I love this website for making perfume so afordable.
Escrito por qazi en July 17, 2012
This stuff is hard-core, and not for the faint of heart. Having said that, it's a juice that you are unlikely to smell on anyone else. Yatagan is animalic, totally devoid of sweetness and as dry as the Atacama desert. I think it's brilliant; it's been a stalwart of my collection for about 6 years now, and I always have two reserve bottles in the fridge just in case Caron screw with the formulation. I'm not much interested in what women think of the fragrance, but other gentlemen certainly find it alluring. Yatagan says "MAN", in capital letters and inverted commas.
5 EstrellasEscrito por Pete from Sydney en October 02, 2011
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