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Clean Warm Cotton Perfume
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Clean Warm Cotton (Marca)
A lovely fragrance for women, Clean Warm Cotton by Dlish is a very subtle scent that is ideal for daytime use. Whether you are relaxing at home or going out with friends, this fragrance will help you smell fresh and clean without being overpowering. Citrus, pear, fougere, musk, verbena and jasmine are just some of the scents that come together to form this refreshing perfume. It was introduced in 2007 and has been a favorite of many women since.
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Clean Warm Cotton
Clean Warm Cotton
eau de parfum
mujeres2 tamaños disponibles
Hasta 32% APAGADO Venta al por menor
4.4 Estrellas (20 Reviews)
Reseñas (20)
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Ran out of my cheap lotion one day, borrowed some clean warm cotton lotion from my friend, and from that day on, i am hooked with this fragrance, It is the best. Usually i would have gotton tired of it already, but..... i think i am stuck, this is it!!!!!!!!!
5 EstrellasEscrito por jamaica me crazy62 en August 07, 2012
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