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Coty Musk Colonia
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Coty Musk (Marca)
Coty Musk by Coty is a distinctive cologne for men, known for its oriental mix of citrus, amber and musk. The scent dries down to the scent of fragrant woods, creating a lasting impression. Introduced in 1974, this classic cologne is perfect to splash on before an evening out. Whether you're having dinner with friends or hitting the latest hot spot, Coty Musk will give you a sense of mystery and intrigue that will turn heads wherever you go.
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Coty Musk
Coty Musk
hombres ¡Ahorre hoy!
4.8 Estrellas (15 Reviews)
Reseñas (20)
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Coty Musk is some of the best cologne that I have ever used! The first day I met my girlfriend, she hugged me for the longest time. She said it was because I smelled so good, that she didn't want to let go.
5 EstrellasEscrito por Bubba Luke en May 21, 2014
I have used musk for very long time some are no longer out there, this musk is good to use anytime and the women love the smell of Musk. I have some women just come up to me so they smell my neck.
5 EstrellasEscrito por Robert Goings en October 03, 2012
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