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Lutece perfume for women by Dana is sure to bring out your romantic and passionate side. Since its introduction in 1984, this fragrance has spelled romance for women everywhere. Its seductive and sparkling blend of peony, mandarin and rose gives it a lovely and alluring floral scent that is sure to garner attention and compliments. Spray Lutece on your wrists and neck before that special someone arrives to take you out for a sophisticated dinner or a romantic evening of dancing.
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5.0 Estrellas (6 Reviews)

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After about six months of searching for some LUTECE!!!! for my Wife I finally found some here at Fragrance .com,,,,We are so Happy that we received some ,, The Price was right!! Thank you so very Much!!!!!

Escrito por Dennis Freeman en September 13, 2016

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Lutece is wonderful for all occasions. I have worn it since 1984 and its fragrance has never changed with my body chemistry. When I first tried it on my wrist my husband asked if it came in a 55 gallon drum. He loves it on me!!! I have never found anything to replace it. It is my prayer that you never discontinue it. I always get compliments on it everywhere I go.

5 Estrellas

Escrito por Anna en December 02, 2014

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Yes, I agree with everyone who needs this lovely scent. I have nearly used all in my supply and I wish to buy it soon. I have experimented with many other scents, however the scent of Lutece seems to suit my exactly with its subtle sensuous quality. Please do get it in soon.

Escrito por Dixie en November 16, 2013

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Lutece is the most beautiful perfume I HAVE EVER FOUND!!! I have been wearing it since 1985 and I plan to continue wearing it as long as I live. I get soooooo many comments on how good I always smell, they love how light it smells and I have NEVER had anyone tell me that my perfume was offensive to them. I used to sing in a Singing Christmas Tree & we were told not to wear perfume in case it would bother someone/I wore mine & never had ANYONE complaints. My daughters & grandchildren after hugging or snuggling with me always tell each other ~ I know what you've been doing, You've been snuggling with GaGa, because you smell just like "Her" !!! ;-). I hope they NEVER STOP MAKING Lutece~I would cry forever !!!

5 Estrellas

Escrito por Debi aka GaGa en September 16, 2013

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5 Estrellas

Escrito por KATHY en August 18, 2013

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