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haga clic para eliminar Lomani (Diseñador)
Lomani (Diseñador) -
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Best (Marca)
Introduced in 1987, Best by Lomani is a great choice for men who want to be noticed. This masculine scent is very casual, so it makes an excellent everyday fragrance. The crisp, citrus note of lemon combines perfectly with bergamot, lavender, geranium and labdanum. The long-lasting scent stays with you throughout the day and into the evening. It is very fresh and not too strong, making it a great scent to wear for any occasion.
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OMG! The name says it all! Wouldn't you like to smell great for such a good price? Best by lomani has been one of my favorites since childhood. It is definitely worth trying especially because ladies love it!!
Escrito por cologneMan en November 22, 2011
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